This is why we do it

Qualification Pack & National Occupational Standards

Under the new National Policy for Skill Development the Government has set a target of training 400 million people by 2022. The government has taken steps to enable and mobilizes Indian youth to take up outcome-based skill training and become employable. That’s where we come in.

Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity... and these in turn rely on the education of our people.


AASK seeks to be a catalyst to enhance employability and sustainable growth nationally & internationally. To help people achieve unlimited success in their professional/personal lives and grow our clients bottom line through Professional skill development.


To become the first choice for organization/people for all skilling needs by providing the most comprehensive professional and personal growth training.


Focus on the benefit of the training as it relates to each customer's individual needs. Be responsible and accountable for each customer's success. Always act with integrity and dignity when dealing with customers, vendors and employees.

AASK is a 360 degree provider for all skilling needs. Get In Touch!

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